The Ukrainian official importer of Septodont’s products

Septodont – innovative, safe & efficient healthcare solutions.

85+ років у стоматологічній індустрії.

85+ years in the dental industry

500 мільйонів ін’єкцій анестетиків Septodont щороку.

Septodont's anesthetic injections per year

Визнання більше ніж у 150 країнах світу

Recognized in
150+ countries worldwide.

1700+ працівників Septodont на службі у стоматологів.

1700+ Septodont employees are there to help dentists

150 governmental regulatory authorities and professional dental societies have approved Septodont's quality.

150 державних регулюючих органів і професійних стоматологічних суспільств визнають якість продукції Septodont

- Distributors.

- Subsidiaries & offices.

Dentists across the world realize they can rely on the undisputably high quality of Septodont products. Their trust is was made Septodont the world's leader in the local anesthesia market.

Septodont meets the requirements introduced by countries and continents distinguished for their pharmacopeia such as Europe, Japan and USA, and complies with the strictest quality standards.

Septodont's products have been tested and approved by authorized agencies in each of the countries where they are offered for sale in accordance with the strictest national & international standards.

That means that Septodont's products has passed hundreds of authorization & certification-related tests across the globe, which obviously proves it quality and reliability.

Using Septodont will make you feel confident because your choice meets the international healthcare and safety requirements.

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